We've developed initiatives that help girls build self-esteem, increase media literacy, and connect to positive role models. Through these powerful programs and workshops, young women and girls are inspired to discover their voice and recognize their greatness.
The Griot Girl Project
The Griot Girl Project combines history, storytelling,
and journaling to empower girls to shape and share
their own narratives in their own voice.
Dream Shapers
The Dream Shapers workshop provides girls
with the tools to discover their strengths,
set goals and develop a dream blueprint.
BrandUDay! merges media literacy and basic branding principles to help girls develop a healthy self-esteem and positive personal brand.

BGU Listening Sessions
Girls are rarely provided with a platform to discuss issues of relevance to them. BGU Listening Sessions put hot button issues front and center to allow girls to share perspectives and put forth tangible solutions to help address them. We help them understand how instrumental they are in sparking chage and with each session, we earn their trust and witness girls gain confidence, become more informed and empowered!
Interested in having us host a listening session at your school, group or organization?
Email us at info@blackgirlsunscripted.org.
Our programs aim to make certain every girl understands the power she holds to shift narratives in ways that are affirming and life changing. We recognize that it takes a village to empower a child and we're grateful for the partners who have helped us move our important work forward.
Girls Served
Through our strategic partnerships, workshops, special events, digital chats and online conferences, we've reached more than 3200 girls around the country since launching teen initiatives in 2016.
40+ Innovative
We've partnered with various community-based organizations, schools, companies, cultural institutions, and brands to deliver BGU workshops and educational programs,
Girls Paired
Through our one-to-one and vitrtual mentoring programs, we've paired more than 150 girls around the country with dynamic women who serve as mentors.

Boys & Girls Clubs
Howard University
Princeton University
LAYC/Maryland Multicultural Youth Center
Clutch Magazine
Breathe Nonprofit
Power Magazine
Baltimore City Public Schools
Prince Georges County Public Schools

Morgan State University
National Bar Association
Black Dance Magazine
Black Mental Health Alliance
Carmelo Anthony Youth Center
Greenmount West Community Center Fndt

University of Baltimore
Joe’s Emporium
Adrinka Cultural Arts Studio
Center of Empowerment
Arena Players

Girls Inc.
Casa de Maryland
Dream Teen Magazine
Reginald F. Lewis Museum